


email: xinruran@gmail.com



2008.09-2012.06 华南农业大学 学士

2012.09-2013.12 英国伯明翰大学 硕士

2015.07-2020.12 香港大学 博士



2014.03-2015.06 香港大学 研究助理

2019.07-2020.06 中国科学院香港创新研究院 教授

2021.10-至今   广州医科大学 讲师



1. Ran, X., Lee, Y. K., Pan, G., Pei, D.,... & Tse, H. F. Testing drug responses on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patient (HCM)-using patient specific hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes bearing cTnI-R186Q mutation-Insight on TRPV2 channel-based therapies. (submit to circulation research)

2. Ran, X., Lee, Y. K., Pan, G., Pei, D., & Tse, H. F. (2018). 1430 CRISPR/Cas9-mediated correction of Troponin I R186Q mutation rescues myofibrillar disarray and excitation-contraction coupling abnormalities

in IPSC model from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patient. European Heart Journal, 39(suppl_1), ehy565-1430 .

3. Ran, X., Lee, Y. K., & Tse, H. F. (2017). P4241Activation of the calcineurin-NFAT pathway in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy due to abnormal calcium homeostasis contributes to progression of cardiomyocytes hypertrophy: Insights from human iPSC model. European Heart Journal, 38(suppl_1).

4. Huang, L., Huang, R., Ran, X.R., et al. (2011) Three-generation experiment showed female C57BL/6J mice drink drainage canal water containing low level of TCDD-like activity causing high pup mortality. J Toxicol Sci, 36: (6): 713-724.

5. Lee, Y. K*., Ran, X*., Lai, K. W. H*., Lau, V. Y. M., Siu, D. C. W., & Tse, H. F. (2015). Generation and characterization of patient-specific iPSC model for cardiovascular disease. In Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models (pp. 191-213). Humana Press, New York, NY. *co-first author

6. Lee, Y. K., Jiang, Y., Ran, X. R., Lau, Y. M., Ng, K. M., Lai, W. H. K., ... & Tse, H. F. (2016). Recent advances in animal and human pluripotent stem cell modeling of cardiac laminopathy. Stem cell research & therapy, 7(1), 139.

7. Xu, J. Y., Lee, Y. K., Ran, X., Liao, S. Y., Yang, J., Au, K. W., ... & Tse, H. F. (2016). Generation of induced cardiospheres via reprogramming of skin fibroblasts for myocardial regeneration. Stem cells, 34(11), 2693-2706.

8. Lu, J., Lee, Y. K., Ran, X., Lai, W. H., Li, R. A., Keung, W., ... & Yao, X. (2017). An abnormal TRPV4-related cytosolic Ca2+ rise in response to uniaxial stretch in induced pluripotent stem cells-derived cardiomyocytes from dilated cardiomyopathy patients. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis of Disease, 1863(11), 2964-2972.

9. Mak, T. S. H., Lee, Y. K., Tang, C. S., Hai, J. S., Ran, X., Sham, P. C., & Tse, H. F. (2018). Coverage and diagnostic yield of Whole Exome Sequencing for the Evaluation of Cases with Dilated and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Scientific reports, 8(1), 10846.

10. Lee, Y. K., Sala, L., Mura, M., Rocchetti, M., Pedrazzini, M., Ran, X., ... & Zaza, A. (2020). MTMR4 SNVs modulate ion channel degradation and clinical severity in congenital long QT syndrome: insights in the mechanism of action of protective modifier genes. Cardiovascular Research.

11. Li, J., Li, Y., Zhan, X. Y., Ran, X., Tse, H. F., Dang, S., ... & Huang, K. (2020). Generation of GADD45A gene knockout human embryonic stem cell line using CRISPR/Cas9. Stem Cell Research, 49, 102090.

12. Zhou M, Wei R, Jiang Y, Fu J, Liu Y, Yang B, Yu B, Lin Y, Ran X, Lai WH, Chu M. Generation of a human iPSC line GIBHi002-A-2 with a dual-reporter for NKX2-5 using TALENs. Stem Cell Research. 2021 Jan 1;50:102120.