

姓名:  王晓玲

职务:  教授(南山学者)

单位:  广州医科大学生命科学学院

Email:  wangxiaoling@gzhmu.edu.cn


博士. 药理专业 Roswell Park 癌症研究中心, 纽约州立大学,布法罗,纽约州  2002.09-2008.05

硕士,武汉大学病毒系         1997.09-2000.06

学士,武汉大学病毒系         1993.09-1997.06


教授,广州医科大学生命科学院南山学者      2018.06-现在


    • 开发新型TCR-T细胞免疫治疗实体瘤的新靶点和新方法

    • 利用基因编辑和二代测序技术研究提高免疫细胞靶向实体瘤效率的新靶点和信号通路

    • 研究以肿瘤新抗原为靶点的细胞免疫技术


      高级科学家, 细胞工程组组长, 广州市香雪制药有限公司     2016.02-2018.06

      科学家,遗传工程组, Intrexon Corp. 美国加利福尼亚州     2014.05-2016.01

      博士后, 病毒系, Beckman Research Institute City of Hope, 美国加利福尼亚州   2011.10-2014.04

      博士后, Department of Urology, 加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校, 美国加利福尼亚州   2008.06- 2011.09                                                



Xiaoling Wang, Yebo Wang, Xiwei Wu, Jinhui Wang, Zhaojun Qiu, Tammy Chang, Ren-Jang Lin and Jiing-Kuan Yee. Unbiased detection of off-target cleavage by CRISPR-Cas9 and TALENs using integrase-defective lentiviral vectors. Nature Biotechnology. 2015 Feb; 33(2):175-8  (IF: 41.667)

Buyuan ChenXinji Chen, Xiwei Wu, Xiaoling Wang, Yingjia Wang, Ting-Yu Lin, Jessica Kurata, Jun Wu, Steven Vonderfecht, Guihua Sun, He HuangJiing-Kuan Yee, Jianda HuRen-Jang. Lin Disruption of microRNA-21 by TALEN leads to diminished cell transformation and increased expression of cell–environment interaction genes. Cancer Letters, 2015, 356:506-516. (IF: 6.375)

Xiaoling Wang, Xinji Chen, Yingjia Wang, Buyuan Chen, Ren-Jang Lin and Jiing-Kuan Yee. Precise gene modification mediated by TALEN and single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides in human cells. Plos one, 2014, 9(4):e93575 (IF:4.411)

Laura Pitzonka, Xiaoling Wang, Sumana Ullas, David W. Wolff, Yanqing Wang, and David W. Goodrich. The THO ribonucleoprotein complex is required 1 for stem cell homeostasis in the mouse small intestine. Mol Cell Biol, 2013. 33(17):3505-3514. (IF:4.777)

Xiaoling wang, Ji Wang, Rob Place, Vera Huang, and Long-Cheng Li. Induction of NANOG expression by targeting promoter sequence with small activating RNA antagonizes retinoic acid-induced differentiation. Biochemical Journal, 2012,  443:821–828 (IF:4.779)

Robert F Place, Ji Wang, Emily J Noonan, Rachel Meyers, Muthiah Manoharan, Klaus Charisse, Rick Duncan, Vera Huang, Xiaoling Wang and Long-Cheng Li Formulation of Small Activating RNA Into Lipidoid Nanoparticles Inhibits Xenograft Prostate Tumor Growth by Inducing p21 Expression. Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids (2012) 1, e15; doi:10.1038/mtna.2012.5 (IF: 5.89)

Vera Huang, Yi Qin, Ji Wang, Xiaoling wang, Rob Place, and Long-Cheng Li. RNAa is conserved in mammalian cells. Plos One, 2010, 5(1): e8848 (IF: 4.092)

Ji Wang, Rob Place, Vera Huang, Xiaoling wang, Emily J. Noonan, Clara E. Magyar, Jiaoti Huang and Long-Cheng Li. Prognostic Value and Function of KLF4 in Prostate Cancer: RNAa and Vector-Mediated Overexpression Identify KLF4 as an Inhibitor of Tumor Cell Growth and Migration . Cancer Res, 2010 70; 10182 (IF: 7.856)

Xiaoling Wang, Meena Chinnam, Xiaojing Zhang, Yanqing Wang and David W. Goodrich. Thoc1 deficiency compromises gene expression necessary for normal testis development in the mouse. Mol Cell Biol, 2009. 29(10): 2794-803. (IF: 6.188)

Xiaoling Wang, Yanping Li, Xiaojing Zhang, and David W. Goodrich. An allelic series for studying the mouse Thoc1 gene. Genesis, 2007. 44: 32-37.(IF: 2.143)

Yanping Li, Athena W. Lin, Xiaojing Zhang, Yanqing Wang, Xiaoling Wang, and David W. Goodrich. Cancer Cells and Normal Cells Differ in TheirRequirements for Thoc1. Cancer Res, 2007. 67(14): 6657-64.(IF: 7.514)

Yanping Li, Athena W. Lin, Xiaojing Zhang, Yanqing Wang, Xiaoling Wang, and David W. Goodrich. Thoc1 as a potential molecular target for cancer therapy. Medicina-Buenos Aires, 2007 67:13-19.

Xiaoling Wang, Yanjie Chang, Yanping Li, Xiaojing Zhang, and David W. Goodrich. Thoc1/Hpr1/p84 is essential for early embryonic development 1 in the mouse. Mol Cell Biol, 2006. 26(11): 4362-4367 (IF: 5.942)

Yangping Li, Xiaoling Wang, Xiaojing Zhang, and David W. Goodrich. Human hHpr1/p84/Thoc1 regulates transcriptional elongation and physically links RNA polymerase II and RNA processing factors. Mol Cell Biol, 2005. 25(10): 4023-33. (IF: 5.942)

Ming Li, Peixin Cai, Liping Nie, Minghui Huang, Xiaomei Tao, Yuzhu Li, Xiaoling Wang, Zhu Xiang, Mingchun Wang and Mengsu Yang. Detection of thalassemia using ThalaChip. Chinese Journal of Hematology, 2003 24(10): 551-552.

Shayan Wang, Peixin Cai, Ruanzhang Zhang, Fangfang Li, Xiaoling Wang, Yong Dai and Mengsu Yang. Application of microarray in screening deletion mutation of α-thalassemia. Chinese Journal of Hematology, 2002 23(11): 603-604.Xiaoling Wang, Linbai, Ye, Jingrong Gao, Jinping Xu, Hui Zeng. Expression of a human TNF-α mutant in E.coli and measurement of its ability to induce apoptosis. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2001 Vol.47 No.2 P.200-204.